

My Time To Craft DT Post - Food/Drink

Good Morning! 
Scheduled the post for the right date this fortnight. What a dummy! 

So, the challenge over at My Time To Craft this fortnight is.. 

Food and/or Drink

Boy did I struggle with this! Here's what I came up with

Luckily, right at the last minute, I'm talking last night! My mate text and said "I need a card for my mate, she loves beer" I thought "Great! fits in with the challenge, but how do I make beer feminine?!" 
I think I've pulled it off. It's amazing what a bow can do! They both loved it so I'm happy with that. 

Super quick post from me this morning, off to find wedding stuff for my best mate. Invites are all done. Now it's just everything else lol. 

Have a crafty day everyone! 


  1. Jo, this is a 'perfick' card for someone who likes beer (like me lol! I blame my hubby, who introduced me to Real Ale!) The bow adds a great feminine touch - girls like beer, too, lol!!!

    love Mags B x

  2. Awesome creation hun & perfectly girlie!
    Hugs Shell xx

  3. Ah this is brill and just right for a beery girl. Love it, Love Hazel (Didos) xx

  4. I think you pulled it off too Jo :o) I would love to be having one of those cold yummy drinks with your friend. Nice job. Hugs D


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