

DTBST - Christmas In July

EEEEKKK! The dreaded "C" word already?! 
I must admit, I need to start my christmas cards. 
Anyhoo's, this week I thought I'd do something a bit different for the challenge over at DTBST - Link is HERE. I've decorated a black paper bag...

I've used the awesome image of Candy Cane - link is HERE
It was a toss up between Candy Cane the Elf and Pin Up Snowman! Was a very close call but I remembered that I had the papers so went with Candy Cane and I'm so glad I did.. I love her!! 
She's been coloured mainly in Spectrum Noir's but promakers for her hair. The big pink bow is attached with a snowflake brad which fits in perfectly. 

An inspiring challenge this week if, like me, you've not started your christmas cards! 


  1. Beautiful Christmas Bag,anyone would love to receive a gift in that!Great colors for Xmas! wish I had my cards started! Thanks for your visit.

  2. This is just fab Jo and such a gorgeous image to use. Love the non-traditional colours too.

    Hugs, Vannessa


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